According to the Bible, after death, believers go to be with the Lord, and all will face judgment, followed by the resurrection of the dead, leading to eternal life with God or eternal separation.
Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus who lived in Bethany, was raised from the dead by Jesus after being in the tomb for four days, demonstrating Jesus’ divine power and strengthening the faith of many.
he Parable of the Good Samaritan challenges listeners to extend kindness and mercy beyond conventional boundaries, defining a “neighbor” not by proximity or similarity but by need and the capacity to show compassion.
The Book of 1 John emphasizes the themes of love, fellowship, and assurance of salvation, calling believers to walk in the light of Christ, to love one another, and to abide in Him, while also providing tests of authentic faith and affirming the centrality of God’s love in the Christian life.
The Gospel of John remains a foundational text for Christian theology, offering a rich and deeply spiritual perspective on Jesus Christ’s identity and His teachings.
The Gospel of Matthew is rich in theology and Christology, making it a foundational text for understanding Christian doctrine and the narrative of Jesus’ life as both a fulfillment of and a break from Jewish tradition.