
The Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus recounts two disciples encountering the resurrected Jesus while journeying from Jerusalem to Emmaus, experiencing revelation and recognition during their conversation and the breaking of bread.

Jesus Meets the Disciples: Jesus joins two of His disciples walking to Emmaus, unrecognized by them.
The Disciples' Sadness: The disciples express their sadness and disappointment about Jesus' crucifixion.
Explaining Recent Events: The disciples explain to the unrecognized Jesus the events concerning His own death and the empty tomb.
Jesus Rebukes Their Unbelief: Jesus calls them foolish and slow of heart for not believing all that the prophets have spoken.
Scriptural Explanation: Jesus explains to them the Scriptures, starting from Moses through all the prophets, concerning Himself.
Approaching Emmaus: As they near Emmaus, Jesus acts as if He were going further. Luke 24:28
The Invitation: The disciples urge Him to stay with them, as it is getting late.
Breaking of Bread: At the meal, Jesus takes bread, gives thanks, breaks it, and begins to give it to them.
Recognition: Their eyes are opened, and they recognize Jesus; but He vanishes from their sight.
Reflecting on the Encounter: The disciples reflect on how their hearts felt warm as Jesus talked with them on the road and opened the Scriptures to them.
Returning to Jerusalem: Despite it being night, the disciples immediately return to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples.
Testifying to the Others: They find the Eleven and others gathered, and share their experience, confirming that Jesus has indeed risen.